Hike to Candi Selogriyo
DaHiSgr8h - 8 hours
Soft hike on the slopes of Gunung (Mount) Sumbing to Candi Selogriyo
Soft hike on the slopes of Gunung (Mount) Sumbing to Candi Selogriyo
Pickup time/location: 7AM/hotel in Yogyakarta
Dropoff time/location: 3PM/(hotel) in Yogyakarta
This post is also available in: English
From a hotel in Magelang or Yogyakarta you start your soft hike on the slopes of Mount Sumbing. A local English speaking guide joins you to help you stay on track and to meet the people on the road. Although we pass some small villages most local people we meet wil b farmers working their land or collecting wood (for cooking) or grass for their animals. It's a 2,5 to 3 hour walk with some shortbut steep climbs in astonishing landscape and great far views over green rice fields. The hike ends at the hindu temple Selogriyo where we serve you an picnic lunch.
After lunch you walk back to the village of Kembang Kuning where a car is waiting to drive you to your hotel.